
The ROI Calculator

The ROI Calculator

In addition to its primary function of estimating returns, the calculator creates an awareness of some of the opportunity and benefits of health and social care integration for both healthcare and community partners. It provides a common financial language, promotes a more equitable and sustainable division of returns, drives data collection and analysis for the business case, reduces uncertainty by helping to quantify financial risk, and supports a structured approach for partnership development.

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DHEC SC Food Access Maps

DHEC SC Food Access Maps

The SC Food Desert Map was created by SC DHEC with data from the USDA Economic Research Atlas 2019 to helps partner agencies identify low income areas with poor access to healthy foods (supermarkets or grocery
stores), aka “food deserts.”

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The 3×3 Matrix

The 3×3 Matrix

Developed by Dr. Rishi Manchanda, founder of HealthBegins, the Upstream Strategy Compass is a tool commonly called the “3×3 Matrix.” This tool provides a wealth of information at a glance, with three columns addressing individual, community, and societal levels of action, and three rows labeled primary, secondary, and tertiary to describe levels of prevention.

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This website offers a wealth of resources, tools, and information for those seeking to better their public health communication. A particularly great offering from is the “When You Say…They Think” tool, which provides a translation of how common phrases are commonly understood.

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