The ROI Calculator

The ROI Calculator

for Healthcare Partnerships to Address Social Needs Created in collaboration with The Commonwealth Fund and The SCAN Foundation, HealthBegins has released a new and improved Return on Investment Calculator for Healthcare Partnerships to Address Social Needs. In...
DHEC SC Food Access Maps

DHEC SC Food Access Maps

The SC Food Desert Map was created by SC DHEC with data from the USDA Economic Research Atlas 2019 to helps partner agencies identify low income areas with poor access to healthy foods (supermarkets or grocery stores), aka “food deserts.” In addition to the SC...
The 3×3 Matrix

The 3×3 Matrix

Developed by Dr. Rishi Manchanda, founder of HealthBegins, the Upstream Strategy Compass is a tool commonly called the “3×3 Matrix.” This tool provides a wealth of information at a glance, with three columns addressing individual, community, and societal levels...