About the SC Roadmap

The SC Roadmap is a collaborative effort to understand and address social drivers of health in SC. This site seeks to foster communication, share good ideas, provide useful tools, and deliver up to date information on the efforts being made by this collaborative.

Our Mission

It is our belief that every South Carolinian has a right to the fundamental building blocks of a good life, and that it is our collective duty to provide these basic resources to every resident of our state. By building consensus and creating connectivity across the wide spectrum of those with a vested interest in public health, we hope to create not just a unified vision of how to best build this better future, but to put than plan into action.


From January 1, 2022 to June, 2023 a vision was crafted for South Carolina’s SDoH Roadmap by The Center for Applied Research and Evaluation. Three cores — Data, Programmatic, and Administrative — made up of local and state level leaders representing diverse sectors created the Roadmap’s Phase 1 governance structure.

Through these discussions, several SDoH policy and infrastructure solutions were identified that members felt could improve the coordination and delivery of service to individuals.

Another resulting decision was to establish a formal body and infrastructure with a Common Agenda that advances the vision, discussion, and recommendations into action (known as Phase 4) over the next three years (July 2024-June 2027).

Click on the image of each phase to learn more…