Financial Literacy Lunch & Learn Sessions

by | Sep 5, 2023

The Hispanic Alliance will be hostingFinancial Literacy Lunch & Learn sessions at Berea High and possibly Carolina High in the Fall of 2023.  Community volunteers are always welcome as speakers to come help with the Lunch & Learns.

Typically, Lunch & Learns are a condensed method of providing a wealth of resources for academic success and higher education to Hispanic high school students. They are attended by a diverse group of volunteers from the Education Team, eager to share personal stories of perseverance and success in their education journeys. Hundreds of times over, its team members have given students a word of hope, a path forward, and a hand to hold as they pursue their dreams.

This Lunch & Learn series will focus on topics such as financial literacy and provide direct resources to Hispanic youth to find stability and security financially.  If you are interested in learning more about how you can get involved, please contact Cesar Salas at