Strong Roots SC

Roadmap to Address Social Determinants of Health


There is a shift happening in South Carolina. For a long time, we have known that to thrive, people need stable housing, good food, a steady income, and access to necessary resources such as medical and dental care. Too often, South Carolina residents are left without, and their lives are consumed by the struggle to cope with adversity. We are now embracing the challenge before us, to head upstream and meet the needs of our fellow citizens at the source.  


Addressing social determinants of health (SDOH) in South Carolina will require the collective will of those such as community organizations, non-profits, medical professionals, public health professionals, payors, education, business, government and so on. Make no mistake, this is a significant effort, but when we consider both the cost of inaction and the rewards we will reap with success, swimming upstream is well worth it. We will only get there if we go together.